We’ll all be getting together tomorrow to discuss some more ideas and hopefully decide on what it is where actually doing. This will affectively give is one day (Thursday) to complete our idea ready for print on Friday. The thing were going to have to address is the time scale. The main idea being used on Monday was the idea of a pack full of different items, although I don’t think anyone’s certain if this is what we’re doing or not.
With the idea of a pack, full off separate items, we’ll need to discuss if it’s really viable to complete in one day. I think if we did go down this route we’d be making a lot of work for ourselves which may not support a better outcome. Are lots of rushed ideas better than one, well thought out design that fully communicates the message?
Knowing that a large area of research was being undertaken by other members of the group, I began to look into how we could make the product/s more fun. So what I was looking at was how we could take a 2D form and make a fun, functional product from which would relate to the solution.
Having seen lots of origami pieces before I knew there were hundreds of fun ideas that we could incorporate into our designs, possibly on the back of a page. For instance if a housemate dislikes the other person because there messy and untidy, there’s a little rubbish bin you can create.
An issue with this is how easy the nets are to make. Obviously the nets and instructions would have to be easy to follow or the user would simply lose interest.
However the main idea behind this is, if the user can have a form of interaction with the piece it will make us more appealing, interesting and hopefully more memorable. Even from this short space of time, even I am getting bombarded with leaflets, flyers and so on. I think what we need to be doing is finding something that makes us unique, so that we stand out amongst other information already out there.

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