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Friday 30 October 2009

Visual Vocabulary

Once again we were creating 10x10 images based around a given word, this time ‘scale’. We each created a set of designs that visually communicated the word and then this time, swapped four designs with another member of the class. We were then given the chance to further develop each other’s ideas, 3 more for each letter.

I found it pretty interesting to not only see other people’s interpretations but then being able to put in my input as well. I think in general I’m also finding these sessions more and more useful each time as it’s getting me to almost think as type as image and the line between the two is starting to become a little blurry. I’ve never really experimented with type in ways like this before and it’s definitely making me more aware and open to the possibilities within typography.

Below is my final 4 images

And here is the whole groups work

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