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Wednesday 2 February 2011

Design Development Video

First tests painting Al. Building appearance and use of particles as smoke.

Scaled out version of the map. Speed tests

Use of wiggler on background. Use of panning and parenting.

Development of ident and intergration of music and SFX.

Paint out - Snatch

Up to 30 Seconds, 3 images.

Text, always wanted to incorporate type. Advice from feedback was to keep it largly image based.

Gun - animation of firing.

New colour idea, bullet following path of background. Shoots onto next screen.

Scrapped idea, wasnt working with theme.

Improved animation and pace. Incorporates better to following scene through use of splatters.

New things. From advice in crits the video was too linear with nothing interesting and nothing unexpected. Decided to create a change in mood. The video now starts to take a darker, grittier side just over half way in. Animation of boxing glove to try and lift the flat paintings and make the video seem more interactive.

The glove wasnt really working on it's own so the shatter of the glass was added to create a little more realism. Sound added later. More direct, sudden switch in the mood as well, adding of heartbeats.

A change in sound, change in look. This video was made whilst experimenting with the look and feel of the film. I wanted it to get more gritty and darker so the colour gets a much darker tone which slowly dips up and down like lighting. The power down fade to black also acts a marker from where the mood shifts and a nice synth soundtrack was added, taken from the film Godfather 2.

Text of some of the featured films scaling in time to the heartbeat.

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