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Thursday 12 May 2011

Brief - Inmortuum

Richard Robinson


I have decided to take the brief for Game Development and promotion. The brief covers what I want to work on in terms of promotion and illustration. Things which I have identified I want to start to develop in my work more. What appealed to me most about this brief was the wide possibility in terms of range. I previously enjoyed working with after effects however I unfortunately couldn’t use on my previous project so I’m looking forward to exploring some possibilities within this area. There is also a wide choice in terms of print and crafting ranging from possible special edition packaging or poster work, items which will be later informed through my research.

Statement of Intent

I intend to create promotion material and packaging for the game ‘Inmortuum’ – Latin for immortal so I’m told. This product will be promoted and distributed through use packaging, promotional poster and TV video spots. The tone of voice will inform and explain how the game play is intended to appear and also within the promotional products.

- Company Branding
- Promotion Items for the proposed game

- Posters
- Video
- Viral advertising, gaming sites
- Website for the game
- T-shirts
- Concept Art Book

-Special Edition Sleeve

-Soundtrack Sleeve

-Artistic Film Cells

- Website
- Packaging
- Printed Posters

-Televised and online video material

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