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Tuesday 17 May 2011

Inmortuum Title Type



The theme for Inmortuum type was thoroughly discussed with the client. He wanted to have something solid with a big impact on the viewer. Colour options to be bright yet serious. The basis of the test level I was given to play around with was mostly set in a canyon backdrop. From discussions with the client I later found that this was much repeated throughout the game and that the landscape was a big part of the game play.

From this I started looking at heavy weighted fonts such as Arial Black, Impact etc and began experimenting with spacing and leading. Arial black was the font which was developed and masked off with grunge brushes. The layer was then given a bevel, something that I’d usually avoid as I normally dislike the effect however I wanted to have more control with how the lumps extruded.

Light wisps were added to the top of the title to appear like dust was breezing off, helping reinforce the idea of grit. The client was very pleased with the title and the only changed that were made was within colour which was changed from a low saturated red to a more vibrant orange.

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